What services does Texas A&M offer for email access?
Exchange Webmail – This service provides web access to Texas A&M Exchange email accounts. It is accessible without a VPN and is DUO enabled. TAMUS SSO – This service provides web access to Workday, Concur, Service Now, Aggiebuy, and HRConnect.
How do I contact Tamu support for voal?
Suggestions, questions or concerns please email helpdesk@tamu.edu or call Help Desk Central at 979-845-8300 IF YOU NEED TO ACCESS LOCAL DRIVES OR USE A USB DEVICE WITH VOAL, YOU MUST INSTALL THE HORIZON CLIENT FOR YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM. Instructions can be found in VOAL Setup Information.
What applications require the Texas A&M VPN to be running?
The following application requires the Texas A&M VPN to be running on your remote computer before you connect to them. VMIS Access via RDP – This service uses the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Application to access the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital’s (VMTH) VMIS Application remote access server.
Is there a VPN for Texas A&M exchange?
It is accessible without a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and is DUO enabled. Exchange Webmail – This service provides web access to Texas A&M Exchange email accounts. It is accessible without a VPN and is DUO enabled. TAMUS SSO – This service provides web access to Workday, Concur, Service Now, Aggiebuy, and HRConnect.

Access Using SSH
To connect to HPRC clusters, you must use SSH (Secure Shell). SSH is a client-server software that provides for secure (by encryption) logins and other communication between two hosts. SSH is freely available on the Internet for Linux/Unix and PC Windows (in the guise of MobaXterm ).
Off-campus Access
For connecting to cluster login nodes from outside the campus, you need to activate Virtual Private Network (VPN) first, then initiate SSH connection to the cluster login nodes. You can find VPN installation instruction from TAMU ServiceNow Knowledge Base page on VPN .
Two-Factor Authentication Requirement
Starting October 1, 2018, the Division of Information Technology will require use of Duo NetID Two Factor Authentication on its Virtual Private Network (VPN) (connect.tamu.edu) service.
File Access
Documents that are stored on a campus computer can be accessed via Microsoft OneDrive on any browser or mobile device.
Video Conferencing
You have access to a personal video conference room via Zoom for both video and voice conferences. Also, Microsoft Teams is available to meet and collaborate.
Outlook web access (OWA) provides a way to access your TAMU-CC email from any internet browser.
Chat and Phone Service
Cisco Jabber can be used to communicate with your workers via phone and chat service. For university owned Windows devices, software is installed via the Software Center .
Emergency Notifications
Sign up for Code Blue today to get up to the minute notifications about power outages and the state of the University.
What is ENVI? ENVI (an acronym for “Environment for Visualizing Images”) is a software application used to process and analyze geospatial imagery. It is commonly used by remote sensing professionals and image analysts.
1. Login in to the TAMU Virtual Open Access Lab (VOAL) by using your NetID at the follosing website: