Remote-access Guide

thin client remote access

by Orrin Lehner Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

In general, thin clients usually run client applications that enable users to connect to a remote desktop on another computer. This type of computer access the hard drive and the applications installed on a remote server that runs a remote desktop protocol (RDP) and virtualization software.

Trusted Thin Client® Remote Access allows users to take the same secure network access provided through Trusted Thin Client into the field on an encrypted bootable USB memory stick, SD memory card, embedded hard drive, or solid state drive
solid state drive
Secure Digital (SD) – a memory card type available in different variants, speeds and sizes, used extensively in portable devices. Solid-state drive (SSD) – a computer storage device available in various form factors, with different interfaces, and in various classes targeting different market segments. › wiki › Solid-state_storage

Full Answer

What is trusted thin client remote access?

Designed for enterprise deployments, Trusted Thin Client Remote Access provides administrators with centralized management and monitoring, scalability to easily add networks and clients, and the flexibility to enable users in offices, in-theater, and in the field.

What is a thin client device?

Most thin client devices are hardware-based, but there are software-based thin clients available as well. These software clients function similarly to hardware devices, but IT typically installs them on top of a device's local OS: either Windows, macOS or Linux. There are also software clients that can boot from a USB flash drive.

What thin client devices support RDP?

A few examples of thin client vendors with models that support RDP are NComputing, 10ZiG, Leadtek and Parallels. Another important consideration is monitor support. Any thin client device can connect to a monitor, but the supported display resolution can vary widely.

Can we access the thin client from a virtual desktop?

We can access the virtual desktop but not the thin client its self non of the tools we use would install. Now we need to remote into the client and remotely admin but I can't figure out how. I assume HP does to but have not found anything on how to connect.


What is thin client access?

A common thin client definition is a computer that uses resources housed inside a central server as opposed to a hard drive. A thin client connects to a server-based environment that hosts the majority of applications, memory, and sensitive data the user needs.

Can you connect a thin client to a laptop?

First, you can connect a thin client to your existing desktop or laptop computer. I am sure your computer is already connected to a modem or router, through which you get Internet connectivity. Simply purchase one of our Micro thin clients and connect them to the same router, modem or switch using an Ethernet cable.

What is a thin client and how does it work?

A thin client (or lean client) is a virtual desktop computing model that runs on the resources stored on a central server instead of a computer's resources. Normally thin clients take the form of low-cost computing devices that heavily rely on a server for computation.

Are thin clients still used?

They still carry an unfair reputation (remembered for their limited processing power and a slow, unreliable user experience). However, improved protocols, better networks, and advanced desktop virtualization solutions have made thin clients an ideal option for the modern IT environment.

Can you use thin client without server?

Yes, thin clients can be used at home without compromising workplace security, just so long as you have a good internet connection to connect to your remote desktop and application sessions, although you could use them just for browsing. You will also need a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Are thin clients portable?

The mobile thin client market might not be huge, but these portable devices can be a real boost for VDI shops in improving security and simplifying management.

What is a thin client example?

Google's Chrome OS is one current example of a browser-based thin client, where the client contains just enough code to run the browser and any minor maintenance required on top of that (networking, local cache, etc).

How do thin clients connect to server?

A thin-client device uses one of three protocols to communicate with the server: Independent Computing Architecture (ICA), Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), or X. These protocols transfer display information from the server to the client, and keyboard and mouse input from the client to the server.

Is Citrix a thin client?

Meet the Citrix HDX Ready Pi And it is a game-changer. Get all of the security and simplicity that you're looking for from a thin client that fits into the palm of your hand and well within any budget.

What are the disadvantages of thin clients?

While thin clients are versatile, in some situations, PCs provide more optimal features. The greatest drawback of thin clients compared to PCs is the lack of power. Certain types of applications, such as computer-aided design programs, require more processing power and memory than a thin client can provide.

What is the difference between thin client and desktop?

A thin client is a computer that has no processing power. Unlike a desktop the cpu, memory, and hard drive power come from a server or server farm.

How much does a thin client cost?

Reduced hardware costs When it comes to upfront costs, thin and zero clients are the obvious choice. Conventional desktops start at $300 per user, while thin clients can go for as low as $90 per user.

Can a laptop be used as a monitor?

Under Some Windows and Android devices can project to this PC when you allow them to, choose the Available everywhere on secure networks option. This means you'll be able to see the laptop as a second monitor when you're on a secure network, like your home Wi-Fi.

Can we connect monitor to laptop?

Connecting your laptop to a monitor is simply a matter of using the appropriate cable; most Windows laptops use HDMI or USB, and MacBooks will use USB or Thunderbolt. After connecting the monitor, choose to duplicate or extend the display in the Display Settings windows on Windows or System Preferences on a Mac.

How do I connect my thin client to my TV?

Plug the cable into your PC and then one of your HDMI ports on your TV. Ensure your PC and your TV are switched on, and your TV is set to the correct HDMI channel, the PC should automatically configure.

What is trusted thin client?

Trusted Thin Client® Remote Access allows users to take the same secure network access provided through Trusted Thin Client into the field on an encrypted bootable USB memory stick, SD memory card, embedded hard drive, or solid state drive (SSD). This solution delivers the same client software in a configuration that allows remote access to secure networks from the field, home office, or some other remote location. Designed for enterprise deployments, Trusted Thin Client Remote Access provides administrators with centralized management and monitoring, scalability to easily add networks and clients, and the flexibility to enable users in offices, in-theater, and in the field.

What is the FIPS 140-2?

Can be configured to leverage an organization’s PGP encryption protocols or hardware-based encryption for additional protections to meet Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 (level 1 and level 3 respectively)

What is a thin client?

A thin client is a computer that runs from resources stored on a central server instead of a localized hard drive. Thin clients work by connecting remotely to a server-based computing environment where most applications, sensitive data, and memory, are stored.

What are the ways thin clients can be used?

In what ways can thin clients be used? There are three ways a thin client can be used: shared services, desktop virtualization, or browser based. With shared terminal services, all users at thin client stations share a server-based operating system and applications.

Why is it important to use thin clients?

Security can be improved through employing thin clients because the thin client itself is restricted by the server. Thin clients cannot run unauthorized software, and data can’t be copied or saved anywhere except for the server. System monitoring and management is easier based on the centralized server location.

Why is thin client better than regular client?

More efficient manageability. Scalability. Thin client deployment is more cost effective than deploying regular PCs. Because so much is centralized at the server-side , thin client computing can reduce IT support and licensing costs.

Why are thin clients better than endpoint machines?

Thin clients can also be simpler to manage, since upgrades, security policies, and more can be managed in the data center instead of on the endpoint machines. This leads to less downtime, increasing productivity among IT staff as well as endpoint machine users.

Why use thin client?

Thin Clients are a feasible solution for providing users with a virtual desktop environment that ensures consistent productivity even when employees are not in the workplace. Enabling remote work environments using Thin Clients is secure and affordable because all your important data is saved on a remote server.

How to start working with thin client?

To start working with a Thin Client, configure it properly as it operates on a specific OS instead of the one designed for traditional PCs. The reason is Thin Clients do not have excessive moving parts or a full-fledged OS. These lightweight devices have to be configured step-by-step like traditional physical desktops before you can commence operations.

What is ClearCube endpoint?

ClearCube enables you to work with high-end technologies and benefit from leveraging multiple remote work solutions that offer a modern IT experience. Customized solutions based entirely on your unique needs give you an additional advantage along with proactive Thin Clients that cater to different levels of workloads. In addition to being known for their reliability and versatility, these Thin Client endpoints provide secure VDI performance in different IT environments. Centralized management capabilities allow administrators to manage the entire setup from a single interface and represent security as well as control in a sustainable platform.

How much wattage does a thin client use?

Thin Clients also offer significant cost savings as compared to PC infrastructures. These devices only consume about 9-25 watts as compared to a 150-watt physical desktop.

Why is remote work important?

A remote work environment is an ultimate answer to business difficulties caused by the COVID-19 crisis. Companies cannot afford to let such disruptions halt organizational activities as this could affect productivity and revenue in the long run. In order to stay operational without compromising on employee productivity, consider using Thin Clients to support your work-from-home initiatives.

Why is remote work not a problem?

This is not a problem with Thin Clients, as they are easy to set up and deploy, which also reduces time updating machines separately.

Can you write protected thin clients?

All these functions can be performed with minimal time and effort if you choose Thin Clients over legacy systems. Write-protected Thin Clients also make it nearly impossible for any malware to affect normal operations. Even if a machine becomes a potential target, it can be cut from the cluster and replaced with another in a matter of minutes. You can also protect corporate data as well as ensure near-zero downtime as these endpoints are inherently secure.



Rising to The Challenge

Identifying User Requirements

Copper Thin Clients

Fiber Thin Clients

Preparing Thin Clients

  • Take your teams and IT department into confidence before setting up a remote work environment with a Thin Client solution. The IT manager must create a network which all users need to connect to in order to ensure seamless remote collaboration. End users are then provided with a VPN and it is connected to the office network once they are logged in....
See more on

Advantages of Choosing Clearcube

Configuring A Thin Client

Final Remarks

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