Remote-access Guide

transmission daemon remote access

by Greta Schmeler Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Transmission Remote GUI is an excellent front-end to remotely control your Transmission daemon. By default, Transmission has its own Web UI that you can access from your browser. With Transmission Remote GUI installed on your notebook or desktop computer you can easily control the Transmission daemon running on your server.

Full Answer

How do I start the Transmission daemon?

transmission-daemon will start automatically each time you start your server, with the settings defined in /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info/settings.json. Make sure the Transmission daemon is not running when changing the config file otherwise your changes will be over written.

What happens if I restart Transmission daemon?

Note:Restarting (or reloading) Transmission daemon can be tricky. Restarting the the daemon (while it is already running) would rewrite the Transmission settings files to its original state. In other words, restarting the Transmission daemon would reset all the custom settings you saved.

How do I enable remote access to transmission from localhost?

Now start up Transmission, and at the web interface you should be prompted to login. To access the web interface when it is listening on localhost, we can use SSH port forwarding: On the command-line: -L 9091: If you would rather trust your network then you can enable remote access from only your local area network:


What is Transmission daemon?

transmission-daemon is a daemon-based Transmission session that can be controlled via RPC commands from transmission's web interface or transmission-remote(1).

How do I access the Transmission web interface?

You only need to access the IP from a remote device to use the Transmission web interface. Open a browser on your remote computer/device and enter the IP address you noted down in step-5 in the above section followed by a colon and 9091. For example, if IP was 103.30. 220.121, you'd type in 103.30.

How do you set up a transmission remote?

Turn on web service in Transmission. You'll need to go to the top menu and choose Transmission>Preferences…, and when the Preferences widow opens, choose Remote on the top right. You'll see the below screen. So here you'll check the Enable Remote Access box.

How do you set up a transmission daemon?

About Transmission.Step 1: Add Transmission PPA Repository.Step 2: Install Transmission Web Interface.Step 3: Configure Users and Permissions.Step 4: Starting and Stopping Transmission Daemon.Step 5: Move Default Settings File.Step 6: Edit Transmission Configuration Files.More items...•

How do you open a Transmission port?

If you don't have a compatible router, it is simple to forward Transmission's port manually....How do I Port Forward?Open Transmission.Go to Preferences >> Network, and check 'Automatically map port'.If Transmission reports that the 'Port is open' then you have successfully port forwarded!

How do you open a Transmission terminal?

The Transmission application can be launched either from the terminal or the Applications menu. To launch Transmission from the Applications menu, open the Applications menu, and search for the Transmission application in the search bar.

What is Transmission remote?

Transmission Remote GUI is a program that remotely accesses and controls the Transmission torrent client via the RPC protocol. This software is free and distributed under the GNU GPL license. You can associate torrent files with Transmission Remote GUI and easily add torrents for download.

What is Transmission default port?

It's quite safe to use the default values, and it's important to remember the port number, since we need to change the firewall so it will allow connections via this port. Speaking of ports, the default transmission peer-port is 51413 , as defined on Line 32.

How do I change my transmission password?

4 AnswersShutdown: /etc/init. d/transmission-daemon stop.Write the rpc-password in the /etc/transmission-daemon/settings. json file, in double-quotes. ... Save that file.Startup: /etc/init. d/transmission-daemon start.Login to the page, it's at port 9091.Type in your password.

Where is the transmission daemon service file?

Where "USER" is the name of the user you want to run the daemon as. The file is then located then in /etc/systemd/system/transmission-daemon. service.

How do you use a transmission?

Transmission can be started in one of two ways. The first is to go to the Internet sub-menu of the Applications menu where you will find the Transmission entry. The second method is to click on a torrent link from a web site which will prompt you if you want to automatically open the link with Transmission.

Where are transmission config files?

If running Transmission under the username transmission , the configuration file will be located at /var/lib/transmission/. config/transmission-daemon/settings.

How do I set up qBittorrent Webui?

How to enable the Web UI on qBittorrentOn the menu bar, go to Tools > Options.In the new window, choose Web UI option.Check Enable the Web User Interface (Remote control) option.Choose a port (default 8080)Set username and password (default username: admin / password: adminadmin)Click on Ok to save settings.

How do I use bittorrent transmission?

Download your file's associated 'torrent file' (extension . torrent). These are commonly found at 'tracker' websites. Once you have the torrent file, click Open and select it, or simply drag it into Transmission - downloading should start immediately.

What port does transmission run on?

It's quite safe to use the default values, and it's important to remember the port number, since we need to change the firewall so it will allow connections via this port. Speaking of ports, the default transmission peer-port is 51413 , as defined on Line 32.

Where is transmission config file?

If running Transmission under the username transmission , the configuration file will be located at /var/lib/transmission/. config/transmission-daemon/settings.

Where are transmission daemon settings stored?

In order to run the application correctly we should, at this point, edit the configuration file. Transmission-daemon settings are stored in a json file: /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json. We should open it with our favorite editor and administrative privileges. This is its content:

What port is used for transmission daemon?

We can finally use the web interface. Fire up a web browser and navigate to the ip of the machine on which transmission-daemon have been installed, using port 9091. For example, let’s suppose that the address of the machine we configured to run transmission is, we would use

What ports do I need to enable for UFW?

For the sake of this tutorial I will assume the use of the ufw firewall. What we need to do is to enable ports 9091 and 51413 to respectively being able to access the web interface, and work in active mode. To achieve the latter task, we must also enable port forwarding on the router (or use UPnP, which I personally don’t trust). This step, however is not covered in this tutorial, since the exact procedure to use varies depending on the router model. It is not, however a difficult task.

What is transmission in Linux?

Transmission is probably the most famous torrent client in the Gnu/Linux world , and it’s very often used even on other operating systems. It’s really easy to use, and its graphical interface is very intuitive; however in this tutorial we will see how to install transmission-daemon and run transmission on a headless machine: that’s an ideal setup to create a “Torrent-box”, using for example a Raspberry Pi, to reduce power usage.

What line does the incomplete-dir option go on?

In case we want to differentiate them, and host the incomplete ones separately, we must set the incomplete-dir-enabled option to true on Line 24 The path in which the incomplete downloads will be stored is set via the incomplete-dir option, and by default is /var/lib/transmission-daemon/Downloads.

Is transmission daemon automatically activated?

After confirmation the package and its dependencies will be installed on our system. The transmission-daemon, will be also automatically activated and enabled at boot, however for our next step, the configuration of the application, we need to temporary stop it, so at this point we should run:

Can you use transmission daemon on Raspberry Pi?

For the sake of this tutorial I will install transmission-daemon on a Raspberry Pi, using the Raspbian operating system, however the same instructions should work on Ubuntu and Debian.


transmission-daemon is a daemon-based Transmission session that can be controlled via RPC commands from transmission's web interface or transmission-remote (1) .


libcurl uses this environment variable when performing tracker announces.


The config-dir used when neither [ TRANSMISSION_HOME] nor [ -g] is specified. See for more information.


Charles Kerr, Josh Elsasser , Eric Petit, Mitchell Livingston, and Mike Gelfand .

Can't connect to transmission-daemon outside my network

Every post I've seen on this subject offers no help in my situation. Let me try to explain. I'm running Transmission 2.22 on a new Netgear WNR3000L router running Toastman's TomatoUSB. I was able to load everything without issue and have Transmission running.

Can't connect to transmission-daemon outside my network

Every post I've seen on this subject offers no help in my situation. Let me try to explain. I'm running Transmission 2.22 on a new Netgear WNR3000L router running Toastman's TomatoUSB. I was able to load everything without issue and have Transmission running.

When changing the config file, do you need to make sure the Transmission daemon is not running?

Make sure the Transmission daemon is not running when changing the config file otherwise your changes will be over written.

Why does transmission run under its own username?

It is recommended that Transmission runs under it’s own username for security reasons. This creates a few issues with file and folder access by Transmission as well as your account (let us assume it is user ).

Why is Transmission used?

Transmission is designed for easy, powerful use. We've set the defaults to Just Work and it only takes a few clicks to configure advanced features like watch directories, bad peer blocklists, and the web interface. When Ubuntu chose Transmission as its default BitTorrent client, one of the most-cited reasons was its easy learning curve.

What to do if your port says closed?

If you port says "closed" you will need to configure your internet router to forward the correct port to your Transmission server/client. Google "How to port forward"

Why is BitTorrent used?

The BitTorrent protocol can be used to reduce the server and network impact of distributing large files. Rather than downloading a file from a single source server, the BitTorrent protocol allows users to join a "swarm" of hosts to download and upload from each other simultaneously.

What is the default RPC password?

The default rpc-username and password is “transmission”

Does transmission work on Ubuntu?

Transmission has been configured to work out of the box on a desktop . Because this how-to is designed for Ubuntu server we need to manually allow remote access.

What is DNS rebinding?

DNS rebinding originates from outside your network, but is used to access hosts from LAN. If you can control Transmission from your computer, a random website will be able to do the same, using your browser. It won't connect to Transmission directly.

How to protect against DNS?

To protect against this you'd need to run a DNS resolver that filters out such responses. And make sure that all your devices are using it, which isn't always easy.

Is transmission HTTP or HTTP?

Transmission talks HTTP, which makes it an easy target. Other services that do the same could be vulnerable to the same attack.

Does transmission remote work on the same host?

transmission-remote on the same host works fine, but trying to connect from a different computer results in:

Is FQDN a system administrator?

Simply put, if someone is using a FQDN of any kind to resolve their Transmission server, I'd be hard-pressed to believe that they are not a system administrator of some kind.

amandamana commented on Aug 19, 2021

The remote access web interface when set to require authentication stops working after a few days, apparently due to erroneously detecting a brute force attack. I've seen this using a normal install of version 3.00 on macOS in a secure LAN, where actual unsuccessful login attempts are extremely unlikely.

dpkonofa commented on Sep 8, 2021

Can also confirm. Logins are limited to IPs on my machine so I know it's not external unsuccessful logins.

ambipur76 commented on Jan 10

I have upgraded my debian from buster to bullseye and this induced transmission to be upgraded from 2.94 to 3.0 . Previously with transmission 2.94 or even older versions I did not have this issue. Could anybody support us somehow, to avoid this issue?

ambipur76 commented 5 days ago

Sorry, I have forgotten to reply on this topic. In my case I had a perl script triggered by cron. This script tried to gain up- and download statistics information into an rrdtool database. Something was wrong with that script, I did not bother with it at least 1 year.



  • Transmission has a service component (transmission-daemon) and variousinterfaces including CLI, GUIs and a web interface. We will set up the webinterface. The system daemon will run under the transmissionuser and we will stick tothat rather than running under your own user because “attack surfaces”. We need to start and stop the daemon to create th...
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Step 1 – Installation

Step 2 – Setup

Step 3 – Firewall Configuration

Step 4 – Access The Web Interface

  • The first thing we need to do is to install the needed packages on our system: this won’t take a lot of time since transmission is available in the repository of all the most famous linux distributions. Raspbian, the Raspberry Pi operating system based on debian, makes no exception: After confirmation the package and its dependencies will be installed on our system. The transmissio…
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