Remote-access Guide

ubuntu remote access vnc

by Ronaldo Altenwerth Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Ubuntu 20.04 Remote Desktop Access with VNC

  • 1.1 Installing the GNOME Desktop Environment. It is, of course, only possible to access the desktop environment if the...
  • 1.2 Installing VNC on Ubuntu. Access to a remote desktop requires a VNC server installed on the remote system, a VNC...
  • 1.3 Configuring the VNC Server. With the VNC server packages installed, the next step...

Setup VNC Server on Ubuntu: Complete Ubuntu Remote Desktop Guide
  1. What is VNC - Virtualizing with VNC.
  2. Step 1: Prepare your System for Ubuntu VNC Setup.
  3. Step 2: Install a Lightweight Desktop Environment. ...
  4. Step 3: Install VNC Server on Ubuntu.
  5. Step 4: Configure VNC Server on Ubuntu. ...
  6. Step 5: Start VNC Server on Ubuntu.
May 17, 2018

Full Answer

How to enable and use Ubuntu Remote Desktop?

  • Download and install the RealVNC viewer.
  • Launch VNC Viewer, and select File > New Connection.
  • This will open a dialog box for you to configure the connection to the Ubuntu system. Fill out the fields as follows:

How to remote Ubuntu from Windows via VNC?

Ubuntu 20.04 Remote Desktop Access with VNC

  • 1.1 Installing the GNOME Desktop Environment. It is, of course, only possible to access the desktop environment if the desktop itself has been installed.
  • 1.2 Installing VNC on Ubuntu. ...
  • 1.3 Configuring the VNC Server. ...
  • 1.4 Starting the VNC Server. ...
  • 1.5 Connecting to a VNC Server. ...
  • 1.6 Summary. ...

What is the best VNC server for Ubuntu?

What Is The Best Vnc Server For Ubuntu? It is a free, open-source and high performance, platform-neutral VNC server, using TigerVNC. RealVNC remote access software lets you access PCs from anywhere via a variety of platforms and with peace of mind…. The TeamViewer application lets you view documents with a high speed…

How do I enable remote access in Ubuntu?

Ubuntu 20.04 Remote Desktop from Windows 10 step by step instructions

  • First step is to install Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server xrdp on the Ubuntu 20.04 desktop. ...
  • Enable to start after reboot and run the remote desktop sharing server xrdp : $ sudo systemctl enable --now xrdp
  • Still on the Ubuntu 20.04 desktop, open a firewall port 3389 for an incoming traffic: $ sudo ufw allow from any to any port 3389 proto tcp


How do I connect to Ubuntu remotely?

Open your VNC client app (sometimes called the viewer) and enter the IP address of your Ubuntu computer that you recorded earlier. Click "Connect". If you set up a password for screen sharing in an earlier step, you'll be asked for it now. Enter the password to remotely operate your Ubuntu computer.

Does Ubuntu desktop come with VNC?

vino. Vino is the default VNC server in Ubuntu to share your existing desktop with other users. To set vino to request access each time, tick Allow other users to view your desktop in the Remote Desktop configuration window.

How do I run VNC on Ubuntu?

How to Install and Configure VNC on Ubuntu 20.04Installing Desktop Environment.Installing VNC Server.Configuring VNC Access.Creating a Systemd unit file.Connecting to VNC server. Set Up SSH Tunneling on Linux and macOS. Set Up SSH Tunneling on Windows. Connecting using Vncviewer.

How do I access Ubuntu GUI remotely?

If you're using a standard desktop, use these steps to use RDP to connect to Ubuntu.Ubuntu/Linux: Launch Remmina and select RDP in the drop-down box. Enter the remote PC's IP address and tap Enter.Windows: Click Start and type rdp. Look for the Remote Desktop Connection app and click Open.

Does Ubuntu 20.04 have VNC server?

7. Access remote system using VNC viewer. Now, we have a server up and running on our Ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04 that we want to access remotely. Thereafter, visit your local windows, Linux or macOS, and install Tiger VNC or any other you want to access the remote system.

Is RDP better than VNC?

In general, Remote Desktop Protocol is known to be more functional and faster than VNC. However, both RDP and VNC can be the best option for different users with different purposes in mind.

How do I connect to a VNC server?

On the device you want to control fromDownload VNC Viewer.Install the VNC Viewer program: Open a Terminal. ... Sign in using your RealVNC account credentials. You should see the remote computer appear in your team:Click or tap to connect. You are prompted to authenticate to VNC Server.

Which VNC server is best for Ubuntu?

TigerVNC. TigerVNC is a free, open-source, high-performance, platform-neutral VNC implementation. ... RealVNC. RealVNC offers cross-platform, simple, and secure remote access software. ... TeamViewer. ... Remmina. ... NoMachine. ... Apache Guacamole. ... XRDP. ... FreeNX.More items...•

How do I run a VNC server in Linux?

Start a VNC SessionOpen your terminal program and connect to one of the Linux Lab systems using SSH.If you're not sure of the name of the machine to which you've connected, use the hostname command: [nemo@linux-lab-069 ~]$ hostname linux-lab-069.ece. ... Set a VNC password by running vncpasswd at the command prompt.More items...

Does Ubuntu have remote desktop?

By default, Ubuntu comes with Remmina remote desktop client with support for VNC and RDP protocols. We will use it to access remote server.

How can I access Linux remotely?

Connect to Linux Remotely Using SSH in PuTTYSelect Session > Host Name.Input the Linux computer's network name, or enter the IP address you noted earlier.Select SSH, then Open.When prompted to accept the certificate for the connection, do so.Enter the username and password to sign in to your Linux device.

How do I enable remote access in Linux?

To enable remote desktop sharing, in File Explorer right-click on My Computer → Properties → Remote Settings and, in the pop-up that opens, check Allow remote connections to this computer, then select Apply.

How do I enable screen Sharing in Ubuntu?

Share your desktopOpen the Activities overview and start typing Sharing.Click on Sharing to open the panel.If the Sharing switch in the top-right of the window is set to off, click to switch it on. ... Click Remote Desktop.To let others view your desktop, set the Remote Desktop switch to on.More items...

Does Ubuntu Server have a GUI?

In the Linux ecosystem, you need a software called the display manager, enabling you to see the Ubuntu server GUI login screen for your chosen Linux OS. Once you log into the desktop using the display manager, the display manager turns control over to the window manager, where GNOME, KDE, etc., comes into the picture.

How do I access remote desktop on Linux?

To enable remote desktop sharing, in File Explorer right-click on My Computer → Properties → Remote Settings and, in the pop-up that opens, check Allow remote connections to this computer, then select Apply.

What is Remmina Ubuntu?

Remmina is the default remote desktop client in Ubuntu. Written in GTK+, Remmina is useful for system administrators who need to work with lots of remote computers across all monitor sizes. Remmina supports multiple network protocols in an integrated and consistent user interface, including RDP, VNC, NX, XDMCP and SSH.

What is VNC in Ubuntu?

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a protocol commonly used to share a graphical desktop over a network. Popular uses for VNC include technical support and screen sharing. By default, Ubuntu comes with Remmina remote desktop client with support for VNC and RDP protocols. We will use it to access remote server.

How to install Remmina on Ubuntu?

If you don’t have Remmina on your Ubuntu installation, install it with sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-vnc. You can also use snap package ( sudo snap install remmina ).

Can you use Remmina to connect to a VNC server?

Congratulations! You have successfully used Remmina to connect to a VNC server, allowing you to remotely access your machine or potentially provide some technical support to someone sharing theirs.

How to prevent desktop from attempting to launch automatically each time the system reboots?

To prevent the desktop from attempting to launch automatically each time the system reboots, change the default systemd target back to multi-user:

What port is the first desktop session?

This will start the first desktop session running on the system. Since this is the first session, it will be configured to use port 5901 (which may be abbreviated to :1). Running the command a second time while the first session is running will create a VNC server listening on port 5902 (:2) and so on. The following command may be used to obtain a list of desktop sessions currently running:

Can VNC be started without superuser?

With the necessary packages installed and configured for the user’s account, the VNC server can be started as follows (making sure to run the command as the user and without superuser privileges):

Can you remotely access Ubuntu with Vino?

The chapter entitled “Ubuntu Remote Desktop Access with Vino” explored remote access to the Ubuntu GNOME desktop using the Vino server, an approach that is intended solely for situations where the remote system is already running a GNOME desktop session. In this chapter we will cover launching and accessing GNOME desktop sessions that run in the background, allowing multiple desktop sessions to be accessed remotely, including on server based system that do not have a graphical console attached.

What port is VNC server running on?

Because you are going to be changing how the VNC server is configured, first stop the VNC server instance that is running on port 5901 with the following command:

What is a VNC?

Virtual Network Computing, or VNC, is a connection system that allows you to use your keyboard and mouse to interact with a graphical desktop environment on a remote server. It makes managing files, software, and settings on a remote server easier for users who are not yet comfortable with the command line.

What port is SSH on Ubuntu 20.04?

Note: This command establishes an SSH tunnel that forwards information from port 5901 on your VNC server to port 59000 on your local machine via port 22 on each machine, the default port for SSH. Assuming you followed the prerequisite Initial Server Setup guide for Ubuntu 20.04, you will have added a UFW rule to allow connections to your server over OpenSSH.

What is the first command in VNC?

The first command in the file, xrdb $HOME/.Xresources, tells VNC’s GUI framework to read the server user’s .Xresources file. .Xresources is where a user can make changes to certain settings of the graphical desktop, like terminal colors, cursor themes, and font rendering. The second command tells the server to launch Xfce. Whenever you start or restart the VNC server, these commands will execute automatically.

What does VNC need to know?

The VNC server needs to know which commands to execute when it starts up. Specifically, VNC needs to know which graphical desktop environment it should connect to.

What is the default port for VNC?

Additionally, it launches a default server instance on port 5901. This port is called a display port, and is referred to by VNC as :1. VNC can launch multiple instances on other display ports, with :2 referring to port 5902, :3 referring to 5903, and so on:

Can VNC start and stop?

By setting up the VNC server to run as a systemd service you can start, stop, and restart it as needed, like any other service. You can also use systemd’s management commands to ensure that VNC starts when your server boots up.

What does a router do to complete a VNC connection?

To complete the connection, the router must perform the port forwarding. Routers can send traffic that arrives on a specific port to a specific computer. Once they’ve been configured to send VNC traffic to a particular computer, all incoming VNC connection requests are directed to that computer.

Why is encryption used in VNC?

Encryption is used to transfer and verify the password when a connection request is made. Whether the rest of the VNC traffic is encrypted depends on the capabilities of the VNC client. This is more of a concern on connections across the internet.

What is screen sharing in Ubuntu?

Ubuntu’s Built-In “Screen Sharing” Is a VNC Server. When you make an SSH connection to a remote Ubuntu Linux computer, you get a terminal window interface. That’s perfectly fine for many tasks, such as system administration, and it has the advantage of being a lightweight connection.

What is port forwarding in Ubuntu?

So, the router on the remote network must be configured to forward VNC connection requests to the Ubuntu PC. This is a networking technique called port forwarding.

How to share screen on remote host?

How to Enable Screen Sharing on the Remote Host. These are the settings you make on the remote Ubuntu computer you’re going to connect to. On the system menu, click the Settings icon. In the “Settings” dialog, click “Sharing” in the side panel, and then click the “Sharing” toggle On. Click “Off” next to the “Screen Sharing” option, ...

How to find my IP address on Ubuntu?

The easiest way to do this is type “my ip” into the Google search bar on the remote Ubuntu computer and then press Enter.

Can you access Ubuntu remotely?

If you need to access an Ubuntu computer remotely, you now have an easy way to do so. As a bonus feature, RealVNC also has a free app for Android smartphones and iPhones. You can set it up by following the same steps above.

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Step 1 — Installing The Desktop Environment and Vnc Server

  • By default, an Ubuntu 20.04 server does not come with a graphical desktop environment or a VNC server installed, so you’ll begin by installing those. You have many options when it comes to which VNC server and desktop environment you choose. In this tutorial, you will install packages for the latest Xfcedesktop environment and the TightVNC package available from the official Ubuntu re…
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Step 3 — Connecting to The Vnc Desktop Securely

  • VNC itself doesn’t use secure protocols when connecting. To securely connect to your server, you’ll establish an SSH tunnel and then tell your VNC client to connect using that tunnel rather than making a direct connection. Create an SSH connection on your local computer that securely forwards to the localhost connection for VNC. You can do this via the terminal on Linux or macO…
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Step 4 — Running Vnc as A System Service

  • By setting up the VNC server to run as a systemd service you can start, stop, and restart it as needed, like any other service. You can also use systemd’s management commands to ensure that VNC starts when your server boots up. First, create a new unit file called /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@.service: The @symbol at the end of the name will let us pass i…
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  • You now have a secured VNC server up and running on your Ubuntu 20.04 server. Now you’ll be able to manage your files, software, and settings with a user-friendly graphical interface, and you’ll be able to run graphical software like web browsers remotely.
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