Remote-access Guide

uky remote access

by Freddie Towne Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Where to park with a R19 remote permit?

R19 remote permits authorize permit holders to park in any of the Greg Page and Shawneetown parking areas, specifically excluding the Commonwealth Drive Lot , located off Alumni Drive just north of the entry to Greg Page on Commonwealth Drive. Those with X remote permits are also authorized to park in the Greg Page and Shawneetown parking areas, also excluding the Commonwealth Drive Lot

What is remote permit?

Remote permits are restricted to students with a confirmed on-campus housing assignment. Students with confirmed housing assignments for Greg Page and Shawneetown are eligible to purchase a remote (R19) permit. Students with confirmed housing assignments for all other campus housing areas are eligible to purchase a remote (X) permit.

How much is a student parking permit 2021-2022?

2021-2022 annual price (based on academic year eight months): $160. Student remote permits are only available to purchase for the entire academic year. Students who no longer need or desire remote parking during any portion of the year, may choose to return their permit to Transportation Services and will be given a pro-rated refund ...

What is remote parking on South Campus?

Remote parking is served by the Green Route, which provides access to campus via a bus transfer to the Blue and White routes at the Stadium Blue Lot bus shelter.

When can you park in a remote parking area?

In addition to authorizing parking in designated remote parking areas, a remote permit also authorizes the permit holder to park in most employee intermediate parking areas after 3:30 p.m. and in most employee core areas after 5 p.m. Signage at the entry to parking areas and any additional control signage, curb markings and other parking control devices within these areas take precedence over maps and general campus information.

Is there remote parking at Shawneetown?

Transportation Services is offering a steeply discounted remote parking option for 2020-2021 which takes advantage of excess parking availability in the south campus Greg Page and Shawneetown graduate and family housing areas. This parking option is limited to students with housing assignments in Greg Page and Shawneetown, in addition to 200 on-campus residential students with housing assignments for all other residential facilities.

What is guest access?

Guests have the ability to view financial transactions and/or make payments by credit card or electronic check. Guest Access provides convenience and flexibility for students and guests for managing student accounts.

Can parents use UK Mobile?

Parents can download UK Mobile and access Guest Pay under the myUK button, once they have been authorized by a student.

How to log into Duo app?

Select Enter a Passcode. Open your Duo app on your smartphone and click the University of Kentucky drop-down. Your passcode will be displayed on the screen. Enter your passcode in the Passcode field and click Log In.

How many user roles are there in EpicCare?

There are nine user roles within EpicCare Link. Each user role has a set of identified features and permissions within EpicCare Link. To request access for a new user (s) or a new site, please click here . All new user applications should be submitted electronically. We are no longer processing paper applications.

How to change EpicCare password?

Under Password Details, click Change Password. Enter your Current Password, enter your New Password and confirm your New Password. Click Change. If you have not previously set up a two-factor authentication, please call the EpicCare Link Hotline at 859-323-2030 .

What is EpicCare link communication preference?

The communication preference for all EpicCare Link providers is set to In Basket notifications. This means staff and providers will be notified via EpicCare Link for admissions, discharges, results, consultation notes and more! Users will have the latest information about their patient's treatment with no more missed faxes! If a provider prefers to change their default communication preference to fax, please contact your Physician Liaison or call 859-323-0736.

How to enter a duo token?

Duo Token (not applicable to most users). Select Enter a Passcode. Press the green button on the token to display the passcode. Enter the passcode from the token and click Log In.

Can you access EpicCare link if you skip two factor authentication?

Skipping the setup of two-factor authentication will result in being unable to access EpicCare Link.

Give Important Feedback on Technology at UK

Information Technology Services (ITS) is seeking student, faculty, and staff participation in online focus groups in order to provide feedback on technology resources at UK. Feedback from these focus groups will be considered as ITS prepares the next IT Strategic Plan.

Drupal Releases Security Updates

Drupal has released security updates to address vulnerabilities affecting Drupal 7, 9.2, and 9.3. An attacker could exploit one of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system. CISA encourages users and administrators to review Drupal security advisories SA-CORE-2022-003 and SA-CORE-2022-004 and apply the necessary updates.

Google Releases Security Updates for Chrome

Google has released Chrome version 98.0.4758.102 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This version addresses vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit to take control of an affected system. One of these vulnerabilities has been detected in exploits in the wild.

The Loop

Find the resources on this page and more in The Loop , for desktop or mobile device ( Android or iPhone ).

Email Senior Leadership

To improve communications among all levels of the organization, email addresses have been set up for employees to submit issues, concerns or ask questions of senior leadership. While not anonymous, these submissions will be treated confidentially.

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