How do I connect and disconnect to UoA?
To connect, right click on the green shield in the task bar and select Connect to “UoA”. Complete login steps as above. 2. To disconnect, right click on the green shield in the task bar and select Disconnect “UoA”. 5
How do I use forticlient VPN with UoA?
While connected to the UoA network, open FortiClient VPN by selecting the VPN shield in the menu bar and selecting Connect to UoA. To Install the VPN if it is not there, please download it from the Self Service Application.
How do I get remote access to UIHC?
Access UIHC Information Systems Remotely Remote access to UIHC information systems requires DUO SECURITY two-factor authentication and reliable, high speed internet. Remote Access provides access to most UIHC applications, including Epic, Microsoft Outlook and Office, network drives, and Sharepoint. Prepare for Remote Access
What is the port number for UoA?
Name: UoA b. Host, type: connectvpn.auckland.ac.nz/client c. Port: 443 d. User: YourUPI 14. Click the save button.

Where can remote access be granted?
Remote access may be granted where contractors are engaged to install, operate and support University IT Systems.
What is direct access?
Direct Access connects your University owned and managed Windows laptop to the University network (H: drive, corporate applications such as the Finance System, and shared network drives) whenever you are off campus and have an internet connection.
What is remote VPN?
Remote VPN provides you with secure, authenticated, access to personal (H: drive) off campus or over the University wireless network. If you need to access a shared network drive (e.g. a team drive) via the VPN, please contact the Service Desk. All you need is an internet connection - open a web browser and login to the VPN with your usual ...
How to access VDI?
You can access the VDI in two ways: via your web browser; by installing the VMWare Horizon client on your computer. Note: The number of users who can log into VDI at any one time limited. The VDI will prompt you if there are no virtual desktops available; you can try connecting again later.
How to connect to UoA?
1. To connect, right click on the green shield in the task bar and select Connect to “UoA”. Complete login steps as above.
How to use Forticlient on Mac?
1. While connected to the UoA network, open FortiClient VPN by selecting the VPN shield in the menu bar and selecting Connect to UoA. To Install the VPN if it is not there, please download it from the Self Service Application.
Can Forticlient be used on a UoA network?
Install and use FortiClient on your UoA Windows device when connected to the UoA network
Can Forticlient be installed on a non-UoA device?
Install the FortiClient on a non-UoA Windows Device
Can you access UoA from a VPN?
Once the software has authenticated, you will receive a message indicating you are connected to the VPN. You can access UoA only resources such as network locations from your machine as you normally would.