How do I access my UPMC HR portal?
If you’re an employee at WMHS, you can access your account on UPMC Infonet. You may be able to sign up through UPMC HR Direct. You can also access the portal from your WMHS account. By logging in to WMHS, you can access your personal and professional health records and other information.
What is UPMC Infonet?
upmc infonet a $19 billion integrated global health enterprise and the largest nonprofit health system in the United States. If you are unable to access your account online, you can call the Help Desk to get assistance.
How do I access the UPMC Pinnacle Citrix portal?
Welcome to the UPMC Pinnacle Citrix Portal. To access the Citrix Environment, click the link below. Supported web browsers: Internet Explorer 10 or higher, Google Chrome, Safari, or FireFox. Citrix Receiver required. You can download Receiver from the links to the right. PinnacleHealth System Citrix Login Important Links
What do I do if I can't access my UPMC account online?
upmc infonet a $19 billion integrated global health enterprise and the largest nonprofit health system in the United States. If you are unable to access your account online, you can call the Help Desk to get assistance. You will need your user ID and password. This will enable you to sign in to your account.

How do I access my UPMC hub?
On the homepage of UPMC Infonet (infonet2.upmc.com) click on the My HUB tab at the top left. You will be prompted to sign on to the system. Enter your User ID (E-Sign-On) and password, then click the Sign In button. Do not press the enter key on your keyboard.
How do I reset my UPMC password?
Password ResetClick Log in (upper right corner)Choose “Request New Password”This will take you to the following screen. Fill in your email and complete the captcha, then hit E-mail New Password. An email will be sent to you with instructions on how to reset your password.
What is UPMC email address?
If you are a current user and you need assistance, please e-mail MyUPMC at help@myupmc.com, or call our support line at 1-866-884-8579.
What does UPMC stand for?
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center1990, the name “University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,” or UPMC, was adopted.
Where can UPMC staff access Riskmaster to enter an incident report?
All employees have access to Riskmaster. You may also report concerns to your supervisor. Riskmaster can be accessed through Cerner, EPIC, or the Infonet.
Where do UPMC employees get discounts?
As a UPMC Health Plan member, you can receive special discounts at a variety of retailers thanks to our MyHealth Rewards program. MyHealth Rewards started with health and wellness retailers like fitness clubs, health food stores, dance studios, and sporting goods stores.
Is UPMC for You Medicare?
UPMC for Life is a Medicare Advantage plan available in your area. Our members have access to UPMC and a large network of additional doctors and hospitals in your community.
How do I find MyUPMC ID number?
You will need your member ID number to log in. If you do not have your member ID number, call Member Services at 1-888-499-6885. From the homepage, click on “order new ID card” under “Online Services.”
How do I set up MyUPMC?
Creating Your Account You can create your MyUPMC account by visiting myupmc.upmc.com or downloading our free MyUPMC mobile app in your device's app store. Then, click on “Create Account” to get started. If you're having trouble creating your account, call the MyUPMC Support Line at 1-866-884-8579.
What is UPMC Medcall?
UPMC MedCall is available for physicians to make on-line referrals, consults, admissions, transfers, and patient follow-ups.
What is UPMC Telemedicine?
The UPMC Telemedicine Program connects small or rural community hospitals and outpatient locations to specialists at UPMC allowing patients to receive world-class care close to home.
Does UPMC have internet access?
UPMC health care professionals have secure and easy access to the UPMC network and eRecord applications from anywhere that has Internet access. This advanced access technique provides UPMC health professionals with an edge.