How do I connect to UTMB VPN?
You just need to double-click the VPN application icon in the System Tray, select Connect, then authorize the VPN connection using Duo. You should then be able to reach resources on the UTMB network.
What EMR does UTMB use?
Remote access to UTMB Use Citrix, a UTMB virtual private network tool, to access Epic, UTMB's electronic medical record system, and other intranet applications. Access requires a UTMB username and password. For logon information or support, contact the UTMB Health Service Desk at (888) 989-2401.
How do I access my UTMB email?
You will also have another option: visiting https://office.utmb.edu, logging in with your UTMB credentials, and clicking the Outlook icon found there. This will open a web-based version of your Inbox; it's the new version of webmail.
Is Help Desk UTMB?
Please call our Service Desk at (409) 772-5200 for assistance.
How do I get my medical records from UTMB?
Please fax your request for records to (409) 772-5101. For UTMB patients requesting records, please fax your request to (409) 772-9208.
What font is used in epic?
Standard title font should be Arial, size 12, bold. Standard content font should be Arial, size 11. Italics, underlined, and bolded fonts should be used sparingly.
What is UTMB?
UTMB Health The University of Texas Medical Branch.
Is UTMB a good medical school?
Mid-year performance rankings, measured by the national Vizient Quality and Accountability Study, revealed good news: UTMB improved from 76th place to 19th place out of 102 reporting academic medical centers.
What is UTMB Edu?
www.utmb.edu. iUTMB Intranet. Access to information and resources for employees and students. Requires users to be on the UTMB network or to log in via UTMB's VPN. intranet.utmb.edu/iutmb.
How do I file a complaint with UTMB?
To initiate the process for UTMB-related grievances or appeals, please call (409) 772-8696 or email ddwalker@utmb.edu. To initiate the process for CMC-related grievances or appeals, please call (903) 583-4464 or email chkearne@utmb.edu.
What is the zip code for UTMB Galveston?
77555301 University Boulevard; Galveston, TX 77555.
What computer system do hospitals use?
Allscripts, Epic, Cerner, McKesson and Quadramed are the most popular EHR systems among academic medical centers, teaching facilities and hospitals with more than 300 beds, according to a report from KLAS.
Is Meditech DOS based?
Medical Information Technology, Incorporated (stylized as MEDITECH), is a privately held Massachusetts-based software and service company that develops and sells information systems for health care organizations....Meditech.TypePrivate companyHeadquartersWestwood, Massachusetts, USA8 more rows
What is EMR system experience?
Electronic medical records or more commonly known as EMRs is a software application designed for better health care management of patients. An EMR is essentially like a digital version of a patient's medical history, containing all records of a patient's prior medical care.
What is UTMB CareLink?
UTMB CareLink, a web-based application, gives referring and community physicians a safe and secure way to access their patients’ information contained within UTMB Health’s EMR.
How to contact UTMB Health Carelink?
Contact UTMB Health CareLink User Support at 1-800-322-8589 carelink@utmb.edu. Log in to CareLink CareLink Info. Dictation. UTMB Health makes the MMODAL dictation tool available to physicians. A pocket guide to using the tool is below.
What is Haiku app?
Haiku is an application for Apple iPhone®, iPod touch®, and Android smartphones that allows providers to view patient charts, schedules and the In Basket using handheld devices. Canto is an application for providers to view patient charts and schedules from an Apple iPad®.
What is a blackboard course?
Web-based access to courses from all four UTMB schools is provided by the Blackboard course management system. Blackboard courses can include many web-based course tools including announcements, blogs, contacts, calendars, discussion boards, glossaries, journals, messages, tasks, tests, assignments, audio messaging, and wikis, as well as course content files.
How long is the internet free for UTMB?
There are several companies offering free internet for 60 days. UTMB School of Health Professions is not endorsing any of the following providers but rather sharing for general resource purposes only.
Does UTMB require a VPN?
UTMB uses a third-party client called Pulse Secure to connect your device to the VPN, and adds an additional layer of security by requiring the use of Duo two-factor authentication. Blackboard does not require VPN for off-campus access: https://www.utmb.edu/blackboard/eclass.asp.
How long is spectrum free?
Spectrum is offering. Sixty (60) days free broadband and Wi-Fi access for households with K-12 and/or college students who don’t already have a Spectrum broadband subscription. No installation fees for new households. Enroll by calling 1-844-488-8395.
Is Microsoft 365 free for students?
Office 365 is included in a Microsoft partnership with Higher Education to provide powerful messaging, productivity, and collaboration tools to students and employees. This application is currently provided free to all UTMB students, accessible from all modern web browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Edge, Internet Explorer 11+, Safari etc.) for online use with online interfaces of common Office applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook Mail. Students also have the option to download a local installation of Microsoft Office 365 (the latest version) to their device (s). The full suite is available for download/installation as well as standalone installations such Skype For Business Basic.
Will instructors make changes to course syllabi?
Students should expect that instructors will make changes to course syllabi as a result of campus closure. In some cases, instructors will be adjusting courses for remote (online) instruction and assessment, over a short period of time. Carefully review course syllabi for updates and information from instructor (s).
How to use remote desktop?
Please note that using remote desktop is NOT RECOMMENDED for most users. Access to information/resources stored on your computer is totally dependent on your office computer being powered on and connected to the network. Any interruption to electricity or network services in your area would prevent you from connecting. Some resources that are only available from off campus if you have a VPN connection: 1 Departmental printers — consider sharing files online or distributing PDFs rather than printing 2 Departmental file shares — consider using OneDrive, Teams, or Groups instead 3 Remote Desktop (RDP) connection to a PC in your office (not recommended) — see instructions below:
What are the resources that are only available from off campus if you have a VPN connection?
Some resources that are only available from off campus if you have a VPN connection: Departmental printers — consider sharing files online or distributing PDFs rather than printing.
What are some examples of computers you should never trust when making a VPN connection?
Following are examples of computers you should never trust when making a VPN connection. hotel computers (business centers or in-room supplied laptops) any computer on which you have reason to believe an infection or other compromise may or does exist.
What is a basic VPN?
Basic VPN access allows use of library databases and some servers. For extended privileges, including file shares and remote access to your office computer, contact the IT Service Desk. Before beginning, read Working from Home for information on best practices for working from home, including services that do NOT require a VPN connection.
Is VPN safe?
Because you will be entering your username and password into the computer and then viewing potentially sensitive information on it, you must be certain that the computer you are using to make a VPN connection is secure and free of malware. Following are examples of computers you should never trust when making a VPN connection.
Is VPN safe for my computer?
Basic Security. Important: The security of a VPN connection is useless if the computer you are using it on is not secure! Make sure your computer is free of any malware and is running up-to-date security patches and anti-virus software.
Is remote desktop recommended?
Please note that using remote desktop is NOT RECOMMENDED for most users. Access to information/resources stored on your computer is totally dependent on your office computer being powered on and connected to the network. Any interruption to electricity or network services in your area would prevent you from connecting.