Remote-access Guide

uw madison cae remote access

by Hailee Keeling Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How to remotely access CAE applications online?

Remotely access CAE applications online through XenApp. How to install and connect to XenApp. XenApp allows you to access many of CAE's software remotely. You do not need WiscVPN running to use this program.

Can I use EES at UW-Madison?

Students and faculty at the University of Wisconsin may also copy EES for use on their Windows-based personal computers. However, you must be connected to the UW-Madison internet system to use the Academic EES program.

What is UW–Madison’s policy on remote work?

It provides guidance for UW–Madison employees seeking flexibility in the future. The policy details remote work options and creates procedures and practices that can mitigate the risks and liabilities of remote work.

How do I access EES?

It can be accessed from computers on the CAE laboratory machines or from XENAPP. The XENAPP application makes it possible to run EES on a Macinstosh computer. See CAE documentation. for details. Students and faculty at the University of Wisconsin may also copy EES for use on their Windows-based personal computers.


What is CAE account?

A CAE account is currently defined as the pair of a login name and password that will grant access to some CAE resources. These resources can be anything from having a login for the Windows or Linux lab workstation to being able to use the College of Engineering VPN service.

How do I access my CAE file UW Madison?

Files located on a CAE account can be accessed remotely through the site . When accessing this site, you will be prompted with a login box. Please use your CAE username and password. To download a file, simply right click on the file, and select Download.

How do I download Citrix UW Madison?

Navigate to with an internet browser, and click Download Citrix Workspace app for Mac.

What is CAE software?

Computer-aided engineering (CAE) is the use of computer software to simulate performance in order to improve product designs or assist in the resolution of engineering problems for a wide range of industries. This includes simulation, validation and optimization of products, processes, and manufacturing tools.

How do I access my Citrix remote desktop?

If a new Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops site was created for Remote PC Access:Select the Remote PC Access Site type.On the Power Management page, choose to enable or disable power management for the default Remote PC Access machine catalog. ... Complete the information on the Users and Machine Accounts pages.

How do I access my Citrix Access Gateway?

In a web browser, type the web address of Citrix Gateway. Type the user name and password and then click Logon. Select Network Access and then click Download. Follow the instructions to install the plug-in.

How do I use Citrix Gateway?

How users connect with Citrix Workspace app.Decouple the Citrix Workspace app icon.Configure IPv6 for ICA connections.Configure the Citrix Workspace app home page on Citrix Gateway.Apply the Citrix Workspace app theme to the Citrix Gateway logon page.Create a custom theme for the Citrix Gateway logon page.

Can you install software on a CAE lab computer?

Software on CAE lab computers are there by request from instructors and departments. Students cannot install software on CAE lab computers. However, many titles can be downloaded onto your laptop. The CAE Software page has information about software, and where to find it (Windows, Linux, XenApp, or personal installation).

Is Duo separate from campus?

In order to improve your account security, the College of Engineering has implemented DUO for many student resources. This is separate from campus DUO, but works in the same way. Once you set it up, it works almost seamlessly with campus DUO.

What is CAE in Wisconsin?

CAE connects you to leadership and high impact learning experiences on campus, which help you realize your Wisconsin Experience and make the most of your learning at UW-Madison. Some of these programs focus on graduate school, pre-law, and pre-health opportunities.

What is CAE in college?

The Center for Academic Excellence. The Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) provides an enriching, inclusive community and academic support for College of Letters & Science (L&S) students who have been historically underrepresented in higher education, including first-generation and low-income students, and students of color.

What is a SCE at UW Madison?

CAE coordinates the Summer Collegiate Experience (SCE), which is a high-impact, quality-learning, first-year experience for students entering the university. As an SCE student, you will take two classes for degree credit, register for fall courses, and learn about UW-Madison resources and campus culture during a six-week residential summer program.

Remote Work and the Evolving Workplace

The fall semester of 2021 will see a return to the vibrant residential campus community we knew before the pandemic. Many jobs will be conducted on campus to support UW–Madison’s missions of scholarship, teaching, and service.

Additional Resources for the Remote Work Agreement

Employee Checklist for Completing a Remote Work Agreement (PDF) This checklist provides information, guidance, and potential action steps to help you prepare for successful completion of your Remote Work Agreement.

Additional Campus Resources

Reuniting Campus Thematic courses, toolkits, and other resources are available to all UW–Madison employees who wish to develop new skills and navigate workplace changes.

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