Remote-access Guide

va library remote access

by Dortha Cassin Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

For remote access: While off the VA network visit click the "Register" option next to "Login" and complete the registration form using a valid email address. Skillsoft Books (formerly Books 24x7) includes thousands of text books, as well as audio books, which can be viewed online or downloaded for later use.

Full Answer

What remote access options does Vava support?

VA supports remote access with two different applications 1. Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) and 2. CISCO RESCUE VPN Client. The Citrix Access Gateway is designed for users that do not have VA Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) – CAG is a good option to allow users access to general applications such as email and chat.

How do I access library resources from home or away?

Access library resources from home or away from work without VPN by using an Athens remote access account. An Athens account allows you to access library resources with a single username and password when you are not on the VA network.

How do I request remote access to the self-service portal?

You may request remote access by visiting the Remote Access Self Service Portal ( only available while on VA's internal network). Please note the Self-Service Portal is only accessible from within the VA network, it is not externally accessible.

What is the VA Handbook for telework?

Telework is governed by VA Handbook 5011/26/31 Part II Chapter 4. Employees working with their supervisor would need to determine telework suitability and eligibility to telework.


Does the VA have an online portal?

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced Dec. 18, that Veterans now have digital access to patient statements through AccessVA using their secure information for DS Logon, or MyHealtheVet Premium.

How do I check my VA email at home?

The Citrix Access Gateway provides access to a virtual desktop and basic applications like email and Teams as well as the most used applications by VA end users. The current CAG URL is

What is MyVA?

What is MyVA? This initiative is the largest transformation in the history of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Through MyVA, the department is enhancing the experience for Veterans and employees, positioning VA to be a world-class service provider for Veterans.

How do I log into my VA account?

If you don't have an account, you can create one with or now....You can sign in to with any of these 4 HealtheVet.DS Logon.

Is a 6 year reservist considered a veteran?

Veteran has the meaning given the term in 38 U.S.C. 101(2). A Reservist or member of the National Guard called to Federal active duty or disabled from a disease or injury incurred or aggravated in line of duty or while in training status also qualify as a veteran.

Do Veterans get free healthcare for life?

You can get free VA health care for any illness or injury that we determine is related to your military service (called “service connected”). We also provide certain other services for free.

What is the VA 55 year old rule?

THE 55 YEARS OLD RULE - Applies to veterans over the age of 55. Specifically, it states that if you are 55 years old, then federal guidelines dictate that you should be exempt from reexamination, except in rare circumstances or by regulation.

What is the VA 10 year rule?

The VA disability 10-year rule states that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) cannot eliminate a disability rating that has been in place for at least 10 years unless there is evidence of fraud. This 10-year period is calculated from the effective date of VA's original grant for service connection.

Can a 100 P&T veteran be re evaluated?

Every VA disability rating, whether it's deemed P&T or not, can be reduced by the VA for a variety of reasons. However, if you have a 100 Permanent and Total (P&T) rating, it's unlikely you'll be re-evaluated or have your rating reduced, unless you've done something to cause the VA to review your case.

Why can't I log into the VA website?

First, try resetting the password for the account you use to sign in to Reset your password on the My HealtheVet website. Reset your password on the DS Logon website. Reset your password on the website.

How do I create a DS Logon account?

Go to the DS Logon self-service website and click on the More DS Logon Options button. From the choices that appear, select Need a DS Logon? You'll be asked to choose how you want to register: If you have a Common Access Card (CAC) with accessible card reader, select this option.

Is eBenefits going away?

The eBenefits site will remain functional through March 31, 2022, to give Veterans an opportunity to complete claims started on the platform. Thereafter, becomes the single source solution to access VA benefit and service information online.

How do I log into my government email from home?

Enter your email address at your password.Click the “Sign in” button.Authenticate using one of the methods you set up. Options include: Using face or touch unlock. Entering a security code from your authentication application. ... You will then be taken to your account page.

How do I access my HealtheVet?

Accessing My HealtheVet can be at home or through public access like a library or Internet cafe. Computers may also be available to Veterans at your local VA Medical Center. Contact the My HealtheVet Coordinator at your local VA Medical Center for questions and/or assistance.

What is Dmhs mail portal?

Direct Upload is a secure and fast way to submit Veterans' claims and supporting material to VA's Intake Center.

Is there an app for VA?

What is the VA app store? Many veterans don't know that an app store just for veterans exists. But this app store features apps for iPhone and Android devices that veterans can use for appointment scheduling, gathering information and resources, and even connect with medical professionals and pharmacists.

Citrix Access Gateway (CAG)

CAG is designed for users that do not have VA Government Furnished Equipment (GFE). CAG is a good option to allow users access to general applications such as email and chat.

Cisco AnyConnect VPN

The Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client is only for use on VA Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) and is installed on all GFE laptops.

Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) is designed for users with a Windows 10 (either VA-furnished or privately-owned) or personal Windows 11 computer. This is a good option for users who need access to a standardized VA desktop (PIV or eToken required).

PIV Issues?

Using the yourIT Self Service, you can now initiate your own 24-hour PIV exemption!

Tips for Telework

Place your router in a central area of your home and elevate it off the floor in an upright position.

What is VA library?

The Veterans Affairs Library Network (VALNET) is the largest health care library network in the United States, providing library services and resources to Veteran inpatients and outpatients, their families, and caregivers; Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) staff and employees; and students and trainees in affiliated teaching programs. VALNET librarians provide knowledge-based information for clinical and management decision-making, research, and education to enhance the quality of care for Veterans enrolled in the VA Health Care System.

What is VA library network?

VA Library Network (VALNET) The Veterans Affairs Library Network (VALNET) is the largest health care library network in the United States, providing library services and resources to Veteran inpatients and outpatients, their families, and caregivers; Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) staff and employees; and students and trainees in affiliated ...

What is VA library?

The Veterans Affairs Library Network (VALNET) is the largest health care library network in the United States. VALNET library staff provide knowledge-based information for clinical and management decision-making, research, and education to enhance the quality of care for Veterans enrolled in the VA health care system. VA librarians have led the nation in innovative library programs such as clinical medical librarianship, consumer health services, therapeutic use of books (bibliotherapy) and information therapy. The services they provide contribute to evidence-based practice and VHA’s patient-centered care, empowering Veterans through information and education. VALNET serves a diverse group of users: Veteran inpatients and outpatients, their families and caregivers; VA staff and employees; researchers; and students and trainees in affiliated teaching programs.

What was the VA library service?

The American Library Association established the VA Library Service as a part-time activity under the Public Health Service during World War I. In 1923, when the program became part of the Veterans Bureau, the forerunner of the VA, many library operations were centralized. After 1940, as individual VA medical centers became more specialized, their libraries became more autonomous. VALNET was established to ensure that the unique resources available at different VA libraries were accessible to users across the entire network.

Is a physical library a nonprofessional?

In some settings, the physical library is very small, with many services and resources provided electronically. A smaller, more traditional library may be staffed by a nonprofessional, subscribe to a few core medical journal titles, and house a collection of standard health science texts.

Remote Access With an Athens Account

Access library resources from home or away from work without VPN by using an Athens remote access account. An Athens account allows you to access library resources with a single username and password when you are not on the VA network. Some resources are not available through Athens.

Resources That Require Separate Remote Access Accounts

The resources below are not accessible through Athens and require you to establish a username and password for each unique site.

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