Why do service providers and vendors use multiple remote access tools?
If a service provider or vendor introduces a security vulnerability to even one client, it can spell disaster for their business. Vendors often use multiple remote access tools because legacy tools can't meet all of their clients' needs, which can vary widely.
Why is it important to manage third-party remote vendor access?
Because of this, it’s imperative that businesses have much more control over and manage their third-party remote vendor access. Beyond that, in order to limit liability, enterprises need a detailed log of exactly what individuals did while they were connected to their network. If you don’t have that, you’re not secure, accountable, or compliant.
Is remote vendor access the path of least resistance?
A vendor is frequently seen as the path of least resistance for a bad actor to get into a network or multiple networks. Let’s look at the best practices associated with third-party remote vendor access.
How do you give vendor access to your network?
Give vendors just the access they need, and know what they are doing when they are in your network. Control vendor access to reduce the attack surface and prevent hackers from utilizing “all or nothing” VPN access to breach your network.

Do you offer monthly billing?
VNC Connect can only be purchased with annual billing. Monthly billing is not available.
Can I upgrade my subscription?
If you need to increase the number of licenses you’re using, you can do so inyour RealVNC account.However, please contact Sales if you need to chan...
Where can I download VNC Connect?
You can download VNC Server here. It’s the software to install on every computer you want to control.You can download VNC Viewer here. It’s what yo...
A single, easy-to-use platform that provides secure remote access to vendors
It only takes one vendor to abuse a network, yet VPNs and RDPs are vulnerable and take too much time to manage.
Request a Demo
Request a demo to see how SecureLink manages vendor privileged access.
What is desktop sharing?
Desktop sharing support tools, on the other hand, are designed for remote support of end-user desktops. While desktop sharing is great for desktops, customers often create a bottleneck in the remote vendor access process. The end-user has to surrender control of their machine and allow indirect access, or the customer has to get to ...
What is the biggest thing to think of in terms of having a relationship with a vendor?
The biggest thing to think of in terms of having a relationship with a vendor is that it only takes one for something to go wrong. A vendor is frequently seen as the path of least resistance for a bad actor to get into a network or multiple networks. Let’s look at the best practices associated with third-party remote vendor access.
Is a user account shared?
User accounts aren’t shared and every action is tied to an individual – helping ensure accountability and compliance. The platform restricts access to specific machines and ports on the customer side while leaving the technician connected to their own network.
Provide secure remote access while reducing costs
External vendors and partners play an important role in many of today's global organizations. With Netop Remote Control, you can provide secure remote access to these parties, so they can support users, applications, servers and speciality devices while minimizing, or eliminating, the need to be onsite.
Manage Vendor Remote Access with Netop Remote Control
Centralized Access Management. The Netop Security Server provides centralized security, administration, authentication and authorization of all remote control users. We also integrate with Microsoft’s Active Directory, RSA and more.
Vendor Privileged Access Manager Demo Video
CyberArk Vendor PAM gives the ability to invite, provision and give vendors privileged access. In this video, we'll show how to invite and give a vendor specific privileged access to a target system.
Vendor PAM Datasheet
Learn more about CyberArk Vendor PAM, a born in the cloud SaaS solution that helps organizations secure external vendor access to critical internal systems.
Vendor Privilege Access Management
Listen here for a 45 minute session on CyberArk Vendor PAM to provide external vendors with fast and secure access to critical systems managed within CyberArk PAM.
Remote Access Datasheet
CyberArk Remote Access helps organizations secure external vendor access to critical systems without the need for VPNs, agents or passwords.
Securing Remote Infrastructure: Keep Friends Close & Enemies Closer – Session 2 of 3
2020 has intensified demands around supply chains and external cloud services provision. This session looks at the IT Administration and Support teams, who continue to perform their duties remotely.
Enable New Ways of Work: Simplified Remote User Privileged Access with SaaS
Organizations everywhere are undertaking major digital transformation initiatives. Whether moving critical resources to the cloud, or investing in greater automation capabilities, COVID-19 has...
Time to Re-examine Remote Access After VPN Password Leak
Just days ago, a list of plaintext usernames, passwords and IP addresses for more than 900 Pulse Secure VPN servers was published online along with SSH keys for each server, a list of all local...
What is accops solution?
With Accops solution, enterprises can govern the business data and restrict access to managed devices only. Using Accops' secure and compliant solution, enterprises can enable instant vendor access without having to worry about data protection.
What is vendor assignment?
During the time period when vendors are active, they have access to corporate networks or select business applications. Enterprises hardly have any control over vendor endpoints, causing serious concerns for enterprises.
What happens if malware is in an endpoint?
A single malware sitting in any unmanaged vendor endpoint may potentially affect the entire corporate network and devices connected to it. Vendor devices with access to critical business apps and data make organizations vulnerable to data breaches or cyber threats.