What is WellSpan INET?
The WellSpan INET is your computer’s homepage(see image below). This reference guide will dissect the INET Homepage, discuss how to access, and provide an overview of the information contained in each section.
What is my education application?
MY EDUCATION: Automatically logs you into the LMS, our Learning Management System. This application is used to track your WellSpan education. You will use this application to register for trainings, take online education, do your required annual education, and find reference guides to help you on-the-job.
What is the search option in WellSpan?
There are four different search options available in the top-center section of the screen: INETsearches the WellSpan intranet for the keyword(s) entered DIRECTORY: searches the WellSpan phone directory for the name or department entered POLICIES: searches the WellSpan policies entered into the WellSpan database by the keyword(s) entered And lastly, INTERNET: which searches the internet through Google.com
What is the home option on the HR website?
HOME: The HOME option on the HR ONLINE page returns you to the HR ONLINE homepage, not the INET Homepage.
What does ERA stand for in WellSpan?
ERA: which stands for the Employee Recreational Activities, hosts discounts, tickets, events, and activities. This is a great and fun benefit for WellSpan employees. Check it out when you have time.
What is HR Quick Links?
HR Quick Links: This menu offers quick links to such things as our Employee Handbook, HR Policies, Job Postings, Forms and Document, and more.
Where are the alerts tabs in WellSpan?
Located in the screen center, these tabs display various alerts for WellSpan employees, from application updates, to clinical alerts, to event FYI’s. Take a few moments at your leisure to peruse these alerts/events.